Sunday, May 26, 2013

Online reading and a birthday wish

Day 26 - Something you read online.

Well, recently most of what I've been reading online consists of blog posts related to Blog Every Day In May, but beyond that...

Locally, I read Columbus Underground, which is "all things Columbus" and my current favorite post has to do with the proposed renovation of a corner market which is about a half block from my house. It used to be a kind of convenience store where we'd pick up beer, smokes, potato chips, what-have-you ... until they got busted for selling illegal shit and serving underage customers. The new plan is for a cafĂ©/carryout/pizza place/patio and we're afraid to get too excited but it sounds fabulous.

But for those of you who aren't local to me, my most favorite website is I'm obsessed with reading trivia about TV shows or movies that I've recently watched. I can't get enough.

Tacked on to this post, I must give a shout out to our nephew James, who turns 14 today. We love you, King James!

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