Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Random Gwensday

So here's my totally random thought of the day: Carly Rae Jepsen's follow up to "Call Me Maybe" is "Tonight I'm Getting Over You."

I guess he stopped calling.

Moving on, in other randomness, I took a look at search keywords that people type in that then lead them to my  little blog.

  • "gila monster sign of spring" - Is this some kind of play on the groundhog?
  • "gila river confessions" - What kind of confessions does a river have to make?

Other than just "gila monster," the most popular searches revolve around my tattoo. For those of you newer readers, that post is here. Apparently if you search "midtown tattoo erie pa" you'll find this blog. 

But the most searches are for "gila monster tattoo." I bet those people are sorely disappointed when they are directed to a blog post showing my tattoo of a black cat.

Stay Tuned,

Confessions of a Gila Monster


  1. I get a lot of searches for Wonder Woman. Oh, if they only knew how close they came. ;)

  2. I get alot for 'Adam Levine naked'

    No idea how that happened ;-)


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