Friday, July 11, 2014

Previously, on Confessions of a Gila Monster

When last I wrote, over a week ago, I mentioned my hatred of the surgical bra that I'd been wearing. I had another follow up with the plastic surgeons this week and was given the go ahead to wear any bra I want. So far, that has meant sports bras. I'm not going on a Victoria's Secret shopping spree just yet because there's still some swelling, a lot of soreness, and because I will be having another surgery to do some fine-tuning. When? Good question. I still need the hole in my stomach incision to heal. Yuck.

Meanwhile, we celebrated the 4th of July. It was a busy long weekend. Columbus has a big fireworks show downtown on the 3rd, called Red White and Boom! We were fortunate to have an invitation to watch the fireworks with friends who have a condo with prime viewing. On the actual 4th we went to the Doo Dah parade (lots of pics from last year's parade here) and that night we went to the Clippers' baseball game where Aaron and friends sang "God Bless America" during the 7th inning stretch (you might be able to hear it here if I did the link correctly).

Doo Dah entries included (top left) poking fun at the VA issue and (top right) pregnant Hobby Lobby employees.

Sunday we hosted a little farewell party for a friend who is moving to Boston:

After the busy weekend, we were very happy to realize that this week and weekend are "obligation-free."

This week I received my first Stitch Fix! If you're unfamiliar with Stitch Fix (I certainly was; I thought it had something to do with sewing) it's this deal in which you pay a $20 styling fee and you tell them your sizes and your preferences and they send you five items. You decide which items you want to keep (and your styling fee is credited toward the cost) and send the rest back in a postage-paid envelope.

These items I did NOT keep:

Left: a short dress with tie. It was comfy but something was off about the fit and I wasn't in love.
Middle: you can't really tell, but it's a pair of super dark rinse jeans. They were just barely too small (and that may have had something to do with the fact that I still have abdominal swelling) so no point in buying those.
Right: I loved the color and print of this blouse, but the fabric wasn't stretchy and it didn't fit me.

Here's what I DID keep:

Left: The earrings are hammered silver - it's kind of hard to tell in the picture - and they're very "me."
Right: Before I even got this maxi skirt out of the box I knew I'd be buying it. Are you kidding me? The print, the color, the feel of the fabric...perfect.

If you haven't tried Stitch Fix yet and you're interested, might I suggest using this referral link: If you do, I'll get a $25 credit. **Please note that I have NOT been compensated in any way for writing about Stitch Fix.

And finally (whew!), we're saying good-bye to a family member today.... Aaron's car. Last year I wrote a post about the car's 10th birthday, and if you missed it, you should really check it out because then you might understand how bummed Aaron is today. I've never been attached to a car like that, but it's part of his identity and he's sad and I get it. Farewell, little SCarGo.

And now, we're going to attempt to be a one-car family. That should be some good blog fodder right there.


  1. I did Stitch Fix once last summer(ish) and it's definitely a lot of fun! Once we're out of debt I plan on doing it again ;) I LOVE that maxi skirt you kept- so you and so cute! Bye, Aaron's car!!! =\

  2. I love that skirt!!! Super cute. Glad you enjoyed your Fix...I'm excited to try it again!

  3. Your fireworks pictures are great! I've never heard of Stitch Fix. How fun! I'll have to look into it more.

  4. I'm pretty glad we are no longer a one car family, now we're more like a car and a half. Tyson can only drive his fan short distances if it's not raining. :)


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