Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Showin' My Books - August '19

It's been a while but Gila got her groove back - her reading groove, that is! Linking up as always with Jana and Steph. Here are some books I read since the last time I posted about books.

Life According to Steph

Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood by Trevor Noah - I listened to this and I highly recommend the audiobook. It's read by Noah, and it's so so good. It's also a reminder of the way oppressed people have to live. 5 stars

My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite - This is a quick read, and a different perspective of a murder mystery. It's not a whodunit mystery, but more of a why did she do it, and even more, why does the sister keep cleaning up the messes? 4 stars

The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides - A psychological mystery with a twist I never saw coming, which I always love. I might have given this 5 stars but what annoyed me was the diary parts. Who writes full-blown dialogue in their diary? 4 stars

Daisy Jones & The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid - I finally read a TJR book! Actually, I listened to this one and I loved it on audio. There's an entire cast of voices and it was just wonderful. 5 stars

Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult - I love most all of Jodi Picoult's books. I was hesitant to start this because of the subject matter, and at times it was really hard to read, but that's also one of the things I love about Picoult. 4 stars

Not That I Could Tell by Jessica Strawser - I got this from Book of the Month over a year ago and finally read it. It takes place in Yellow Springs, Ohio, which is close to me and one of the main characters is from Springfield, where I went to college. So that alone is cool. It's also a neighborhood mystery and I had not predicted the ending. 4 stars

Nine Women, One Dress by Jane L. Rosen - Read for Erin's book challenge (book with an article of clothing in the title). This was a super fast and easy read, which I needed. There are multiple points of view (and I do mean multiple!) and it's just a feel good book. 4 stars

That's it for now. I'm currently reading Ask Again, Yes and really enjoying it. I can't wait to see what everyone else has been reading!


  1. I loved the Silent Patient too, lol but I totally get you with the diary parts. I was thinking the same time, who writes this much detail in their diary!? lol

  2. I own the Trevor Noah book and it is on my list to get to asap, so hopefully soon! Nobody writes full blown dialogue in their diary, how annoying lol. But that one is on my list as well. I liked one Jessica Strawser and DNF'd another. I think Not That I Could Tell is the one I liked lol. I liked the dress book!

  3. Freaking Small Great Things has been sitting on my bookshelf since October 2016. An autographed copy. I wasn't going to lug it around Ireland and when we got back the election was over and I just haven't picked it up since.

  4. I adored Nine Women, One Dress for being exactly what I needed at the moment (read it right after the 2016 presidential election). It truly is a great, feel-good book. I liked Daisy and suspect I would have enjoyed it more on audio, which is something I've never said before. LOL! I tell people to read Small Great Things just for the TJMaxx scene. The ending to A Silent Patient really surprised me too, which I love as well. My Sister, the Serial Killer will forever have one of the best titles ever.

  5. Not That I Could Tell has been on my TBR and someone else recommends it every month and I just need to track it down already.

  6. I'm doing Erin's book challenge too. I listened to Daisy Jones this month too and enjoyed it!

  7. Many good books on this list, and Lindsay is sending me her copy of Ask Again, Yes and I'm very much looking forward to reading it.

  8. I might use Nine Women, One Dress. I hated my pick for the challenge in that category and stopped reading it.

  9. I have been wanting to read Not That I Could Tell. Glad to hear you liked it! I recently bought The Silent Patient and can't wait to read it.

  10. So many books to choose from! The Silent Patient sounds good - I enjoy thrillers and mysteries. Off to Goodreads I go! That TBR list just keeps growing :)


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